Znajomość środków językowych - Tekst z lukami - Wybór wielokrotny (5)

Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź wpisując do każdego luki a, b lub c.

So 1. you haven't watched TV yesterday. Would you like to find 2. what had happened in the last episode of your favourite TV series? Then you should watch our programme! We will give 3. a summary of the events. We will also tell you 4. people are so keen on soap operas and how the producers make them 5. to watching them.

1. A) say B) tell C) talk
2. A) in B) out C) to
3. A) you B) to you C) for you
4. A) who B) what C) why
5. A) addict B) addiction C) addicted
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