Present Simple - wyrażenia: Have to / not have to (1)
Napisz co musi, a czego nie musi zrobić Megan. V - musi, X - nie musi.
1. do the washing up V Megan the washing up . 2. mop the kitchen floor X Magen the kitchen floor. 3. lay the table X Megan the table. 4. vacuum the carpets V Megan the carpets. 5. do the laundry V Megan the laundry. 6. tidy her room X Megan her room. 7. do the ironing V Megan the ironing. 8. take the rubbish out X Megan the rubbish out. 9. make dinner X Megan dinner. 10. unload the dishwasher V Megan the dishwasher.