Future Perfect Continuous - zdania

Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasowników w nawiasach.

1. At this time next year I (work) for this company for 20 years.
2. At this time next year I (live) in Poland for ten years.
3. By the end of this month I (share) this flat with you for ten years.
4. At this time next year I (work) on this project for a week.
5. By the time we get there they (play) computer games for half an hour.
6. I (wear) these glasses for one year next week.
7. I (drive) this bus for sixteen years tomorrow.
8. At this time tomorrow I (take) a test for an hour.
9. When the bell rings I (cleaning) for eight hours today.
10. I (fly) to London for an hour at this time tomorrow.
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