Czasowniki modalne - Can, let, be allowed to

Can, let, be allowed to - transformacje. Użyj słowa podanego na końcu linijki aby utworzyć zdania/pytania o takim samym znaczeniu jak zdanie/pytania wyjściowe.

1. Can you send messages to your friends? ALLOWED
messages to your friends ?
2. How many pizzas can you eat during a week? ALLOWED
How many pizzas during a week?
3. Are your friends allowed to use the Internet at night? CAN
at night?
4. Can your sister watch horrors? ALLOWED
5. Do you let your cat sleep in your bed? ALLOWED
in your bed?
6. When is Mike allowed to eat popcorn? CAN
When popcorn?
7. Journalists can ask questions during the interview. ALLOWED
questions during the interview.
8. Are you allowed to use Facebook? CAN
9. My parents let me go out whenever I want. CAN
I want.
10. I am allowed to watch TV in the evening. CAN
in the evening. © 2023 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone