Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous (5)

Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach poprawną formą czasowników w nawiasach używając czasów Present Perfect lub Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Molly (study) Spanish for five years and her fluency (greatly / improve) as a result.
2. We (live) in this neighborhood for fifteen years and we (witness) many changes over the years.
3. He (work) on his novel for months, pouring his heart and soul into every page.
4. They (already / explore) many different cultures and cuisines in Europe.
5. I (know) George since we were children and our friendship (only / grow) stronger with time.
6. The chef (perfect) his signature dish and it tastes delicious.
7. She (wait) for the bus for half an hour. It still (not come) .
8. They (already renovate) dozens of houses so they have a lot of experience.
9. We (see) this movie multiple times but each viewing brings new insights and appreciation.
10. He (practise) playing the piano for weeks now. © 2023 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone