Strona bierna bezosobowa (2)

Uzupełnij zdania w stronie biernej bezosobowej, wpisując do luk wyrażenia typu: It is / was said / believed / argued / alleged, itp.

1. Researchers believe that a breakthrough is imminent.
that a breakthrough is imminent.

2. Experts say that the market will stabilize soon.
that the market will stabilize soon.

3. They believed that the house was haunted.
It was believed that the house was haunted.

4. Health experts know that exercise has numerous health benefits.
that exercise has numerous health benefits.

5. Scientists argued that the theory had some limitations.
that the theory had some limitations.

6. Observers report that the new law will be implemented soon.
that the new law will be implemented soon.

7. They allege that the politician received illegal funding.
that the politician received illegal funding.

8. Everyone knew that she had written the book.
that the book had been written by her.

9. We think that they have already prepared the presentation.
that the presentation has already been prepared by them.

10. They said that the train would arrive late.
that the train would arrive late. © 2023 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone