Strona bierna bezosobowa (1)

Uzupełnij stronę bierną wpisując do luk wyrażenia typu: It is / was said / believed/ alleged / argued.

1.They said that the train would arrive late.
that the train would arrive late.

2. People believe that life exists beyond our planet.
that life exists beyond our planet.

3. People know that the company will announce layoffs next month.
that the company will announce layoffs next month.

4. They argued that the decision had already been made.
that the decision had already been made.

5. Journalists report that the company's profits have doubled.
that the company's profits have doubled.

6. People said that the city was experiencing a heatwave.
that the city was experiencing a heatwave.

7. People say that laughter reduces stress.
that laughter reduces stress.

8. The evidence was alleged to have been planted.
that the evidence had been planted.

9. Economists argue that inflation will continue to rise.
that inflation will continue to rise.

10. Many believe that education is crucial for development.
that education is crucial for development. © 2023 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone