Znajomość środków językowych - Tekst z lukami - Wybór wielokrotny - Bedtime

Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz poprawne uzupełnienie luk. Wpisz do luk jedną z liter: A, B lub C.

Hello and welcome back to my blog. Today, I'd like to write about bedtime.
School can be tough, especially when we're up late doing homework and have up early for classes. But we can't change the school schedule right now, so having a bedtime is a good idea, even though we're getting older.
Bedtimes are actually something to be thankful for. They make sure we get a good night's sleep. As we get older and have more responsibilities like university, work or taking care of our own families, we'll appreciate how great it feels to be well-rested.
When we're teenagers, we often stay up late, which messes up our sleep patterns. , sleep is like brain food. Not getting enough can make us look tired, feel exhausted and do poorly in school.
So, maybe our parents are right about bedtime. It might not be what we want, but it helps us start each day feeling our best.
What you think? Leave me a comment down below.

1. A) waking B) to wake C) wake
2. A) Although B) However C) Then
3. A) do B) are C) did

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