Znajomość środków językowych - Tekst z lukami - Wybór wielokrotny - Four-day workweek

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Dear Mrs Charlson,
I hope you're doing great. I wanted to talk to you about the possibility of working just 4 days a week, from Monday till Thursday, instead of the usual 5 days. I think it be good for both of us.
One reason is that I've noticed I'm pretty fast at my work. I can finish up tasks faster most of my colleagues and still get everything done. Having that extra day off would let me recharge my batteries.
Also, I really want more quality time with my family and the new schedule would help a lot with that.
Could we talk about how we can make this work? I'd appreciate it.
Take care,
Monica Lofer

1. A) must B) has C) might
2. A) than B) then C) there
3. A) spend B) to spend C) spent

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