Znajomość środków językowych - Tekst z lukami - Wybór wielokrotny - New class

Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz poprawne uzupełnienie luk. Wpisz do luk jedną z liter: A, B lub C.

My first week in the new class was quite exciting! I was a bit nervous at first I didn't know anyone. However, everyone was very friendly. Our teacher, Mrs. Johnson, introduced herself and explained the class rules. She seems nice and helpful.
During lunch, I made a new friend - Sarah. We both love soccer, so we about our favourite teams and players. It was fun finding someone who shares my interests.
The lessons in the new class are different from my old one, but they're interesting. In science, we learned about animals and how they adapt to their environments. Math was a bit challenging, but I'm working on it.
Overall, my first week was than I expected. I'm looking forward to making more friends and learning new things this year.

1. A) because B) but C) so
2. A) chatting B) chatted C) chat
3. A) good B) best C) better

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