Znajomość środków językowych - Tekst z lukami - Wybór wielokrotny - Spotless giraffe

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Limestone, Tennessee - Brights Zoo is celebrating the birth of an extraordinary baby giraffe. Unlike typical giraffes, this one have any spots on her brown fur. It's believed to be the world's only spotless giraffe.
The giraffe born on July 31. She's already 1.8 meters tall and has a friendly, calm personality.
Giraffes usually rely on their spots for camouflage and temperature control. However, without spots, this giraffe might not survive in the wild due to her unusual appearance.
Right now, she doesn't have a name. The Zoo has come up with four possible Swahili names, and they're asking people to vote for favorite.

1. A) don't B) isn't C) doesn't
2. A) was B) be C) is
3. A) them B) their C) theirs

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