Some / any / much / many

Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań na j. angielski.

1. Sally already has (tak dużo różnych lalek) that I'm not going to buy her another one.
2. We'd better (weźmy trochę wody) for a walk. It's so hot outside that we're going to be thirsty in a few minutes.
3. (Ilu gości) are you going to invite to your house-warming party?
4. I can't believe someone can have (tak dużo pecha) ! Two thefts in one week, can you imagine?
5. Have you got (jakieś zajęcia) with Mr Robinson this year? He's the best teacher I have ever had.
6. Melinda hasn't been invited to (żadną rozmowę o pracę) for two months.
7. Jenny is going to the library to (pożyczyć trochę ksiażek) for holidays. She loves reading.
8. (Ile mąki) is needed to make this cake?
9. Tessa has got (tyle zadań domowych) to do this weekend that she won't have time to hang out with her friends.
10. Derek (nie dostaje dużo niskich) marks at school. He usually has the highest ones. © 2023 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone