Future Perfect Simple vs. Future Perfect Continuous (3)

Uzupełnij luki poprawną formą czasowników w nawiasach.

1.By the end of the day, James (write) his book for three months.
2.How many times (you / visit) that museum by next summer?
3.They (not finish) the project by the time the deadline comes.
4.By the time she graduates, Lisa (study) in this school for seven years.
5.Next month, he (work) as a teacher for twenty years.
6. I (not live) here for a year by the time you return from your trip.
7.How many miles (they / walk) before they reach the summit?
8.By the end of the week, she (pack) her bags for her vacation.
9.We (not plant) all the trees by the time spring arrives.
10.How long (Mike / wait) for a response from them by next month?

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