Mowa zależna (Present Simple) - zdania (1)

Zraportuj co powiedział Jack.

1. I want to go to the cinema.
Jack said that to the cinema.
2. My friends don't like studying.
Jack said that studying.
3. I hate Maths.
Jack said that Maths.
4. My parents help me with my homework.
Jack said that homework.
5. Mary doesn't read fantasy books.
Jack said that fantasy books.
6. Students in my class are very noisy.
Jack said that very noisy.
7. My dog barks at night.
Jack said that at night.
8. My cousin looks like a model.
Jack said that like a model.
9. My little sister always forgets to brush her teeth in the evening.
Jack said that her teeth in the evening.
10. My teacher never gives us homework.
Jack said that homework. © 2023 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone