Future Perfect Continuous - zdania i pytania

Uzupełnij zdania i pytania odpowiednią forma czasowników w nawiasach.

1. By the time I graduate, I (work) here for five years.
2. They (travel) for ten hours when we arrive.
3. Next month, Sarah (work) for the company since last May.
4. By the end of the day, he (sit) at this table for ten hours straight.
5. How long (you / live) in this city when your parents visit?
6.By the time they reach the campsite, we (hike) for two days.
7.This time next year, she (take) English classes for a year.
8.By the time the concert starts, the band (rehearse) will have been rehearsing for a week.
9.How long (they / deliberate) before they finally announce the winners?
10.Next month, I (study) French for three years.
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