How much / how many (4)

Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań używając wyrażenia how much lub how many.

1. (Ile kostek cukru) do you add to your coffee?
2. Julie is asking (ile chleba) she has to buy.
3. (Ile jabłoni) are there in your orchard?
4. I'll check (ile puszek coli) we have for today's barbecue.
5. (Ile rodzajów owoców) do we need to make this fruit salad?
6. Sally doesn't even know (ile pieniędzy) she spent on clothes last weekend.
7. I think no one's aware of (ile pracy) I put into this project.
8. (Ile herbat) and coffees did the customers order? I can't remember.
9. (Ile bagażu) are we allowed to take on board?
10. Adam has to start to control (ile fast foodów) he eats. © 2023 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone