How much / how many (3)

Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań używając wyrażenia how much lub how many.

1. (Ile krzeseł) do you have in your living room?
2. (Ile sera) do you want on your pizza?
3. (Ile książek) do you have in your home library?
4. (Ile czasu) did Marie spend at her friend's yesterday?
5. (Ilu chłopców) and girls are there in your class?
6. (Ile czekolady) does your son eat weekly?
7. (Ile włosów) do you want me to cut?
8. (Ile kawałków) of pizza did you eat at yesterday's party?
9. (Ile wody) do you drink every day?
10. (Ile pracy domowej) does Jenny have for tomorrow? © 2023 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone