Inwersja - różne wyrażenia (2)

Ułóż wyrazy w odpowiedniej kolejności aby utworzyć zdania z inwersją.

1. Emily later discover Only did who had played this nasty joke on her.
who had played this nasty joke on her.
2. visit Seldom I do this district of the city.
this district of the city.
3. married sooner got had Jess and Bryan No than they began to quarrel.
got married than they began to quarrel.
4. Not I arrived until at the airport did I realise I hadn't taken my hand luggage.
at the airport did I realise I hadn't taken my hand luggage.
5. know Little you do about my personal life, so you'd better refrain from rash judgement.
about my personal life, so you'd better refrain from rash judgement.
6. No finally I down sooner had lain to get some sleep than my daughter woke up.
to get some sleep than my daughter woke up.
7. Andrea only Not miss did the bus in the morning and was late for work but she also didn't do well at the meeting and was given a warning from her boss.
the bus in the morning and was late for work but she also didn't do well at the meeting and was given a warning from her boss.
8. should On a no conduct layman account chemistry experiments without a specialist's supervision.
chemistry experiments without a specialist's supervision.
9. Sarah realise Only did then that her best friend had revealed all her secrets to Maria.
that her best friend had revealed all her secrets to Maria.
10. Not I drank until my coffee did I realise I added salt instead of sugar.
my coffee did I realise I added salt instead of sugar. © 2023 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone