Życie społeczne - Protesty (HARD)

Uzupełnij zdania wpisując do każdej luki jeden wyraz. Pierwsza litera została podana na końcu każdego zdania.

1. The organisers of today's event are trying to encourage as many people as they can to sign the against building a car factory in the suburbs. (P)
2. An 18-year-old was arrested because of violent behaviour during yesterday's protest. (D)
3. Do you know how many people are going to in the demonstration? (P)
4. Anna has prepared simple to invite people to next week's meeting. She's going to put them up in the town centre and share them on social media. (P)
5. After the recently planned changes in law, animal activists are going to a protest to show their disagreement. (O)
6. Local traders strongly oppose building a new supermarket. I've heard they've launched a to make the authorities aware what consequences it will bring about. (C)
7. On Saturday people are gathering in the main square to against the hospital closure. (D)
8. I saw a few people in the city centre handing out a to every passer-by. Do you know what it's all about? (L)
9. Most parents are going to vote for imposing a on using mobile phones at school. They think they are too distracting. (B)
10. Last weekend's was a peaceful event ? people were walking along the main street shouting their slogans and there were no acts of vandalism or violence. (M)
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