Życie społeczne - Polityka (HARD)

Uzupełnij zdania wpisując do każdej luki jeden wyraz. Pierwsza litera została podana na końcu każdego zdania.

1. Next week there's a special session of when its members are going to discuss new bills and vote for or against their introduction. (P)
2. Elizabeth II became the of the United Kingdom in February 1952, but her coronation was in June 1953. (Q)
3. Are you sure you want to get into ? No offence, but your belief that you have a chance to change something sounds like a pipe dream. (P)
4. The president in Poland is chosen every five years in elections. (D)
5. In 2020 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle decided to leave Great Britain and give up their titles. (R)
6. In the majority of European countries, a is the head of state. (P)
7. Some say that being a is not a very respected profession nowadays. Nonetheless, many people still join different parties. (P)
8. All legal acts and amendments that are issued have to be in accordance with the , which is the basic and most important act. (C)
9. A lot of citizens don't agree with current actions of the and don't support the policy they pursue. I guess some people regret voting for them in the last elections. (G)
10. Margaret Thatcher, who was the longest-serving minister of the United Kingdom in the 20th century, died in 2013 at the age of 88. (P)
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