Świat przyrody - Ochrona środowiska (HARD)

Uzupełnij zdania wpisując do każdej luki jeden wyraz. Pierwsza litera została podana na końcu zdania.

1. A large group of people was demonstrating against the authorities' project to down trees in the local park. (C)
2. Due to , entering the river has been banned because it's too risky. (P)
3. Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth if you don't want to water. (W)
4. Something has to be done to energy consumption in the world because its increased production affects the environment. (R)
5. The local factory the air, which is why the town residents are protesting regularly. (P)
6. The only way to animals against hunters is to introduce stricter law and harsher punishment for illegal hunting. (P)
7. Every April during Earth Day, thousands of volunteers go to forests, mountains and other places to rubbish and clean the area. (C)
8. There's a new city regulation to rubbish. Residents who won't adjust, will be fined or pay higher taxes. (S)
9. Why did you away this wrapper on the pavement? There's a bin over there, it's not that far from here. (T)
10. One of the reasons why we need to tropical forests from disappearing is that they mitigate climate change. (S)
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