Świat przyrody - Miesiące i pory roku (HARD)

Uzupełnij zdania wpisując do każdej luki jeden wyraz. Pierwsza litera została podana na końcu zdania.

1. My favourite season is because I love its colours ? orange, brown and yellow. (A)
2. Seven is said to be a lucky number, so we're planning to get married in , which is the 7th month of the year. (J)
3. Leap year occurs every four years. Only then, has 29 days instead of 28. (F)
4. The school year in Poland starts in and ends in June. (S)
5. My birthday is at the end of , and this year I'm planning to celebrate it during a Halloween party. (O)
6. is the most colourful season with its blossoming flowers and fruit trees. (S)
7. All students love the month of because this is when holidays start. (J)
8. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the USA on the fourth Thursday of . (N)
9. My sister always travels to a warm country during a break ? she hates snow and frost. (W)
10. is a month between March and May. (A)
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