Wyrażenie "a friend of mine"

Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą wyrażenia "a friend of mine".

1. George is my brother’s friend.
He’s .

2. Isn’t that your friend?
Isn’t that ?

3. This is Tina – my friend.
She’s .

4. Our friend is coming next week.
is coming next week.

5. That tall woman is my mother’s friend.
She’s .

6. Victoria and Alex met their friend yesterday.
They met yesterday.

7. We are going skiing with our friend.
We are going skiing with .

8. I think I saw your friend this morning.
I think I saw this morning.

9. My aunt visited her friend in England.
She visited in England.

10. Are you Mike and Rebecca’s friend?
Are you ?
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