Mowa zależna (Future Simple) - zdania (1)

Zraportuj co John obiecał swoim rodzicom.

1. I will not be rude to the teachers.
John promised that to the teachers.
2. I will study harder.
John promised that harder.
3. I will read more books this semester.
John promised that this semester.
4. I won't forget to tidy my room.
John promised that to tidy his room.
5. I will never come back home that late again.
John promised that home that late again.
6. My room will always be clean and tidy.
John promised that clean and tidy.
7. I will help my younger brother with his homework.
John promised that with his homework.
8. I won't argue with my father.
John promised that father.
9. My mum will never be sad because of me.
John promised that because of him.
10. I will do my best to have good grades at school.
John promised that good grades at school. © 2023 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone