Życie społeczne - Przestępstwa (EASY)

Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.

1. I'm not convinced Derek really stole this jewellery, so don't talk to him about it. You can't him of it if you can't prove it.
2. When the jury finds a suspect , he is given an adequate penalty by the judge.
3. Burglars and robbers usually wear so that no one recognises them when they commit crimes.
4. Every criminal deserves a fair . It's one of the basic rights, regardless of the crime committed.
5. Photos, text messages, or recordings can be used as in court to prove that someone is guilty or innocent.
6. Remember that if you do something against the law, you have to be aware that sooner or later you will be given a for that.
7. Apparently, the robber didn't wear gloves because his were found all over the place.
8. Anna saw the accident with her own eyes, which is why she was asked by the defence attorney to be a in court.
9. None of us was aware that Josie was a of domestic violence. Fortunately, she finally decided to seek help.
10. It is to drive a car without a driving licence.
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