Życie społeczne - Problemy społeczne (EASY)

Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.

1. Grace and Harry live on the verge of in their small social flat. They have lost their jobs, their car, and finally their house.
2. It's hard to believe how many people experience ? especially those shy ones with low self-esteem. Something has to be done to prevent all those nasty and cruel behaviours.
3. Darren smokes too many cigarettes and drinks alcohol too often. I suspect he may be to both.
4. If the authorities neglect the problem, we, the city-dwellers, need to think about people, especially in autumn and winter when they are exposed to the risk of hypothermia.
5. Caroline's company went bankrupt last year and she's remained since then.
6. Africa is one of the poorest continents. It's estimated that around 280 million people suffer from or malnutrition.
7. Every type of should be condemned ? whether it's about religion, race, sexual orientation, or political views.
8. It is the authorities' responsibility to enforce certain rules to fight , so that everyone is treated the same and has the same rights regardless of skin colour.
9. Some say that children and teenagers who aren't very confident are usually more subject to peer as they are easily influenced by others.
10. It's not only different drugs you can get addicted to. to hazard, work, or the Internet is equally dangerous.
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