Rozumienie tekstów pisanych - Dobieranie - Women's Day (Dzień kobiet)

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I am planning to celebrate Women's Day by spending time with the important women in my life. I will visit my mom and grandmother to thank them for everything they have done for me. In the evening, I will go out with my friends for dinner to celebrate together. It's a great day to show love and appreciation for the strong women around me.

At work, we are organising a small event to celebrate Women's Day. We will have a meeting to talk about women's achievements. Our company will also give flowers and small gifts to female employees. I think it's important to recognise women's hard work, not just on that day, but every day of the year.

I want to celebrate Women's Day by learning more about women's rights. I plan to read articles and watch documentaries about strong women in history. I will also share information on social media to support women's equality. It is important because many women still do not have the same rights and opportunities as men. This day is a reminder to keep working for change.

This person:
1. would like to help all women around the world have the same rights.
2. is planning to meet women from her family.
3. is going to find out more about women from the past.
4. has plans to eat out on Women's Day. © 2023 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone