Rozumienie tekstów pisanych - Tekst z lukami - Sport

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When I was younger, I used to play football almost every day. At first, it was exciting because I loved running on the field and scoring goals. My friends and I practised a lot and I even joined a local team. We had matches every weekend. 1.
However, after a few years, I started to lose interest. The games became repetitiv and boring! 2. One day, my friend invited me to a volleyball practice. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it, but I decided to give it a try.
To my surprise, I loved it! It turned out that volleyball was fast, challenging and required teamwork in a completely different way. 3. Now, I play volleyball regularly, and it has become my favorite activity.
Switching sports was the best decision I ever made!

A. The energy on the court made me fall in love with this sport.
B. It felt great to be part of a team.
C. However, I didn't like it any longer.
D. That's why I wanted to try something new. © 2023 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone