Rozumienie ze słuchu - Prawda/Fałsz - Personal shopper - Post-listening
Zapoznaj się z treścią zadania. Spróbuj zgadnąć jaki wyraz będzie uzupełnieniem zdania / pytania. Następnie wysłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź odpowiedzi. Uzupełnij luki wpisując jeden wyraz do każdej z nich. Zwróć uwagę na poprawną pisownię.
Jane works a personal shopper. Fashion has always her passion and she has always been up-to-date with the latest fashion trends. She also excellent communication skills. She helps others find own style. She's as happy as a clam when she gets to interesting people and go with them every day. Her job is to advice on what items of clothing they should buy. She has been self-employed the beginning of 2018. She truly enjoys her although it can be quite tiring at times. For example yesterday she was around the shops for hours on end because her was so picky. He could not what he wanted to wear. In the end, he agreed on a few sets of clothes. Jane is to expand her business because she sees high demand. People want to better but they don't have much to look for clothes themselves. This is where a personal shopper comes in. In the future, Jane is planning to train a few of her closest to work for her. She hopes to grow her business in the next couple of .