Rozumienie ze słuchu - Prawda/Fałsz - World Animal Day - Post-listening
Zapoznaj się z treścią zadania. Spróbuj zgadnąć jaki wyraz będzie uzupełnieniem zdania / pytania. Następnie wysłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź odpowiedzi. Uzupełnij luki wpisując jeden wyraz do każdej z nich. Zwróć uwagę na poprawną pisownię.
George: Hey Olivia, are you to celebrate World Animal Day with us? Olivia: World Animal Day? is it? George: It's on October 4th every year. Olivia: I didn't know that. George: It goes back to 1925 when a person named Heinrich Zimmermann started it Berlin. Olivia: Oh, why he start it? George: Well, he cared a lot about and wanted to help them. He had a magazine for animal lovers and organised this day to make aware and improve how animals are treated. Olivia: That's a really nice . Animals are important and we should take care of them. I will be to celebrate with you! George: Great. I'll you tomorrow afternoon to tell you more about this. We're also meeting Wednesday to plan everything. Olivia: Great, George!