Znajomość funkcji językowych - Dialogi - Leap year (Rok przestępny)

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Monica: Hey, did you know this year is a leap year?
Timothy: Really? What's that?
Monica: Well, it means we get an extra day in February. They do it every four years to make sure our calendar matches the time it takes for the Earth to go around the sun.
Timothy: Oh, that's interesting. So, why (need) to add an extra day?
Monica: The Earth's journey around the sun is a bit more than 365 days, it's 365.2422 days. Adding a leap day helps us catch up and stay in sync with the seasons.
Timothy: Wow, that's cool! So, what do people do on a leap day?
Monica: Some say it's a day to do something special or different, like a bonus day in the year.
Timothy: Nice! (Why) plan something fun for this extra day?
Monica: Absolutely! Let's do it!
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