Rozumienie ze słuchu - Prawda / Fałsz - Diamond painting

Zapoznaj się z treścią zadania. Wysłuchaj nagrania, a następnie zdecyduj czy zdania są zgodne z treścią nagrania. Uzupełnij luki wpisując T (true - prawda) lub F (false - fałsz).

1. Stress reduction and anxiety relief are not the only benefits of diamond painting.
2. The text suggests that diamond painting is only for people with advanced artistic skills.
3. People can build their artistic confidence if they follow the step-by-step instructions in diamond painting.
4. The global community fostered by diamond painting is exclusively offline.
5. The text suggests that diamond painting encourages constant engagement with technology.
6. The purpose of the text is to promote the benefits of diamond painting as a hobby offered by Diamond Art Club.
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