Znajomość funkcji językowych - Dialog - zadanie egzaminacyjne - Halloween

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Bobby: Hey Charlie! Halloween is just around the corner. (thought) about what we should do this year yet?
Charlie: Yes. How about we go trick-or-treating together like old times?
Bobby: That sounds awesome! I've missed going door-to-door with you. What costumes should we wear?
Charlie: Well, I was thinking we could dress up as Batman and Robin or maybe as a vampire and a werewolf. What do you think?
Bobby: Those are some great ideas! Let's do it!
Charlie: That's great! It's going to be a blast. What time should we meet?
Bobby: I don't know yet. I (call) in the afternoon, I promise. Is that alright?
Charlie. Sure! Talk to you soon!
Bobby: Bye!
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