Wypowiedź pisemna - E-mail - Scooter tricks (Past Simple i Past Continuous)

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Hey Josh,
Yesterday was incredible! I (go) to the park to practice scooter tricks. While I (practise) riding my scooter, I (see) some teenagers doing really cool tricks. They (do) tailwhips and bunny hops like pros!
While I (watch), one of them (notice) me and (say), "Hey, do you want to learn some tricks?" I (say) yes, of course! They (be) super nice. We started talking, and they showed me how to do even cooler stuff.

As we (practise) , we (become) friends. We hed (laugh) , all) down, and cheered each other on. It was a blast! I learned (learn) a bunch of new tricks and now I have some awesome new friends to ride with.

Can't wait to tell you more,
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