Znajomość środków językowych - Teksty z lukami - Zadania otwarte - Margherita

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Pizza, 1. universally loved dish, has various regional variations in Italy. In Naples, the birthplace of authentic pizza, the Margherita stands out. Dating back to 1861, it's a humble but delightful creation. Legend has it that Queen Margherita of Savoy, tired of French cuisine, was looking for something new 2. her Naples visit. Raffaele Esposito, a renowned pizza chef, presented her three pizzas, with the third resembling the Italian flag ? white cheese, green basil and red tomato sauce. The Queen loved it, and that was how the Margherita was born. The Esposito's legacy continues at Pizzeria Brandi in Naples, 3. you can still taste a slice of history.

Na podstawie: indiatimes.com
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