Rozumienie tekstów pisanych - Dobieranie - ChatGPT users
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ChatGPT Users
A. Jane I love learning new things. I use ChatGPT to ask questions and have conversations about things I am interested in. I use it when I'm trying to understand something or I want to learn more about my new hobby.
B. Brian I come to ChatGPT when I want to find a solution to my problem. It could be a technical one like fixing a computer, or a personal one. I ask ChatGPT questions and I look for advice to help me deal with my problems.
C. Christopher I enjoy talking to ChatGPT about different subjects. Sometimes I am feeling a little lonely and want someone to talk to, or I am just bored and I want to chat with a friendly bot. I ask ChatGPT open-ended questions and enjoy discussing different subjects to pass the time.
This person uses ChatGPT: 1. to have a friendly conversation. 2. to find out more about something interesting. 3. when she / he wants to discuss various topics in her / his free time. 4. if she / he is experiencing some difficulties.