Rozumienie tekstów pisanych - Dobieranie - Birthday presents

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A. Mike
Once I get an invitation to a person's birthday, I try to find out what they might like. For example, if the person enjoys reading, I might get them a book by their favourite author. If they are a foodie, I could give them a cookbook, or take them out to a nice restaurant. Whatever I choose, I make sure that it shows that I've put some effort into finding the present.

B. Joanna
If I don't know what the birthday boy or a birthday girl is interested in, I just try to find something that would be useful. For example, I buy a new purse or a new phone case. Such gifts are usually quite cheap and can show that you care about the person's everyday needs.

C. Tina
Creative birthday presents are the best, especially if the person has a good sense of humour or appreciates a good surprise. For example, I once created a personalised photo album with our pictures. My friend loved the present! You could also buy a fun game, or plan an activity that you can do together. It's important to be creative!

This person:
1. likes to give presents that are practical.
2. tries to make the gift fun.
3. always tries to find a gift that is connected to the person's interests.
4. thinks it's important to have an original idea for a present.

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