Tłumaczenia fragmentów zdań (51)

Przetłumacz na j. angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach tak, aby otrzymać zdania logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.

1. I'm sorry, but (żaden z tych trzech) mobile models meet my requirements. I have to keep searching.
2. Laurie's parents (zabronili jej spotykać się) with Tim. They think he's got a bad influence on her.
3. Mary would rather her son (zareagował inaczej) to his peers' surprise visit last night.
4. It had always been Gemma's dream to open a restaurant and she finally did it. In June she (będzie prowadzić ją) it for five years.
5. I have a feeling as (jak byśmy dopiero co zaczęli) our business and it's already been almost two years!
6. Jill hasn't contacted us since last month's party. If you hadn't lost your temper and shouted at her that night, we (nadal utrzymywalibyśmy kontakt) today.
7. It is (jest nadzieja, że wynik) of the election will be satisfying for everyone.
8. We (sugerujemy, aby wnioskodawcy nie składali) applications personally in the office but send them online in order to avoid long queues.
9. Mark would much rather his girlfriend (nie robiła afery) about every little thing. He's fed up with it.
10. It's high time our (władze lokalne przedsięwzięły środki) to lower crime rate in the area. People are afraid to go out.
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