Rozumienie tekstów pisanych - Tekst z lukami - A dream come true - Post-reading (1)

Ułóż litery w kolejności aby utworzyć wyrazy, które uzupełnią zdania. Dla ułatwienia pierwsza litera została podana. Wpisz do każdej luki jeden wyraz.

1. I love reading and it has always been my riouFavte way of spending free time.
2. Which Cptehar of the book was the longest?
3. I was pretty satisfied with the tcoOume .
4. My book became a selltBeser , over a million copies were sold.
5. I have always had a sirDee to write my own book.
6. I usually read two oveNls at the same time.
7. The plot and the terChaacrs were based on my dreams. © 2023 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone