Uzupełnij zdania tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj wyrazów w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy.
1. Why are all the people laughing? EVERYONE Why ?
2. We can’t wait to see our aunt Jemma. LOOKING We are our aunt Gemma.
3. Does anyone in your family know how to embroider? CAN family embroider ?
4. This is the worst explanation I’ve ever heard. A I have never .
5. Wendy writes one letter every day. WRITTEN One letter every day .
6. No other apartment is as spacious as this one. THE This apartment.
7. There are only a few trees in our garden. MANY There in my apartment.
8. Who looks after all your animals? CARE Who your animals?
9. I sometimes help my parents with the washing-up. TIME I help my parents with the washing up .
10. This place isn’t safe. We should not be here. ENOUGH This place us to be here.