Uzupełnij zdania tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj wyrazów w niezmienionej formie. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy.
1. This time, make no mistakes. DON’T this time.
2. My aunt ate a lot of junk food but she doesn’t any longer. USED My aunt lot of junk food.
3. We don’t have to tidy up. NEED There’s us to tidy up.
4. My cousins found out about my engagement six weeks ago. FOR My cousins have known about my engagement .
5. It wasn’t necessary for Claudia to take part in interviews. DIDN’T Claudia part in interviews.
6. How long has your sister been a student of economics? WHEN start studying economics?
7. Paul got divorced thirteen years ago. BEEN Paul has thirteen years.
8. Were you allowed to present on stage? LET Did they on stage?
9. If I were you, I’d go home now. BETTER home now.
10. Could you lend me your camera? BORROW your camera?