Użyj wyrazów w nawiasie w niezmienionej formie oraz dodaj wszelkie niezbędne elementy aby utworzyć zdania/pytanie. Do każdej luki możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy.
1. Tom is such a handsome man. (SO) Tom . 2. Despite the bad weather we went jogging. (ALTHOUGH) was bad we went jogging. 3. They very rarely study. (HARDLY) They . 4. Mike said sorry to me. (APOLOGIZE) Mike . 5. You should stop smoking. (UP) You should . 6. Everyone must wear a helmet. (BE) Helmets . 7. It would be a good idea to take the keys with you. (BETTER) the keys with you . 8. Anita was the only girl who didn’t like pizza. (APART) Everyone liked pizza Anita . 9. “I’m going out”, my mum said. (WAS) My mum said that out . 10. My grandma would tell us stories every night when we were children. (USED) My grandma us stories every night when we were children .