Przeczytaj poniższe zdania. Uzupełnij luki tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy.
1. We came here in December. We since December. 2. This city is very polluted. There is a in this city. 3. They’ve decided to take up judo. They are up judo. 4. Tom is a very good painter. Tom paints . 5. There aren’t enough chairs in this classroom. There are in this classroom. 6. They gave me the wrong change! I the wrong change. 7. Maria is taller than Chris. Chris is as Maria. 8. This is such a nice song! This song . 9. “I am very proud of you” my father said to me. My father told me very proud of me. 10. I was so tired. This is why I went to bed. I went to bed so tired.