Mówienie - wakacje letnie (summer holidays)

Spójrz na ilustracje i posłuchaj polecenie swojego nauczyciela.
Możesz też omówić w parach następujące tematy:
1. What do you usually do during summer holidays?
2. Have you ever traveled by plane? Where did you travel?
3. If you could fly somewhere this summer, where would you go?
4. Do you take your pet with you when you go on summer holiday?
5. Did you like building sand castles when you were a small child?
6. When was the last time you went hiking in the summer?
7. Have you ever slept in a tent?
8. How much time do you spend using a computer during summer holidays?
9. Where are you going to travel this summer?
10. Do you enjoy swimming in lakes?

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