Rozumienie tekstów pisanych - Rodzina Sary

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Sarah's Family Tree

Sarah comes from a large family. Her father's name is David, and her mother's name is Emily. She has two brothers, Jack and Thomas, and one sister, Emma. Jack is the oldest sibling, and he is 25 years old. He works as a teacher. Thomas is 20 years old, and he is studying at university. Emma, Sarah's sister, is only 12 years old and loves playing soccer.

Sarah's grandparents are also an important part of her family. Her paternal grandparents, John and Mary, live in the countryside. They enjoy gardening and spending time with their grandchildren. Sarah's maternal grandparents, Robert and Alice, live in the city. They love traveling and often visit different countries.

Sarah's family is close-knit, and they enjoy celebrating special occasions together, such as birthdays and holidays.

1. How many siblings does Sarah have?
2. What does Jack do for a living?
3. How old is Thomas?
4. What does Emma enjoy doing?
5. Where do Sarah's paternal grandparents live?
6. What do Sarah's maternal grandparents enjoy doing?
7. What does Sarah's family enjoy celebrating together?

paternal grandparents - dziadkowie ze strony taty (rodzice twojego taty)
maternal grandparents - dziadkowie ze strony mamy (rodzice twojej mamy) © 2023 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone