Wypowiedź pisemna - Rozgrzewka językowa - Dokończ zdania - Christmas (7)

Dokończ zdania według własnych pomysłów. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź.

1. If I could invite any fictional character to a Christmas dinner, I'd choose...
2. The most adventurous place I'd love to celebrate Christmas is...
3. My dream invention for the perfect holiday gift would be...
4. In a world where it's always winter, I would...
5. The secret ingredient for the ultimate holiday dish would be...
6. If I could create a new holiday tradition, it would involve...
7. The best way to spread holiday cheer is by...
8. If my pet could talk on Christmas, they would probably ask for...
9. The best moment of the whole Christmas celebration is when...
10. If I could magically transform into a holiday character, I'd become...

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