Wypowiedź pisemna - Rozgrzewka językowa - Dokończ zdania - Christmas (5)

Dokończ zdania według własnych pomysłów. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź.

1. The funniest or worst Christmas present I ever received was...
2. My favourite snow day memory is...
3. When I believed in Santa Claus, I used to...
4. The day I found out the truth about Santa, I felt...
5. If I could ask Santa for anything today, I would wish for...
6. Even though the present wasn't what I wanted, I still...
7. My favourite thing about pretending Santa is real is...
8. If I could re-gift one present I received, it would be...
9. When it snows, the first thing I like to do is...
10. One time, I left something special for Santa and it was...

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