Wypowiedź pisemna - Rozgrzewka językowa - Dokończ zdania (7)

Dokończ zdania według własnego pomysłu. Dodaj dodatkowe informacje aby rozwinąć swoją wypowiedź.
1. Before going to a party, I always...
2. In my future career, I would like to work as...
3. During a thunderstorm, I feel...
4. Although I'm not a chef, I can make a delicious...
5. When I want to relax, I listen to...
6. When I'm at the beach, I love building...
7. After a long day at school, I like to relax by...
8. Because I'm interested in history, I like to read about...
9. Before going to sleep, I often think about...
10. On a winter day, my favourite activity is...

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