Wypowiedź pisemna - Rozgrzewka językowa - Dokończ zdania (2)

Dokończ zdania wedłgu własnego pomysłu. Dodaj do tego dodatkowe informacje aby rozwinąc swoją wypowiedź.

1. While waiting in line, I like to...
2. If I could learn any new skill, I would learn how to...
3. When I'm feeling stressed, I like to...
4. If I could have dinner with any famous person, I would choose to dine with...
5. The most adventurous thing I've ever done is...
6. I always feel relaxed when I...
7. If I could travel in time, I would choose to go to...
8. The best thing about my family is...
9. When I'm home alone, I like to...
10. The most important lesson I've learned in life so far is...

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