Rozumienie tekstów pisanych - Zadania otwarte - May Queen (Wiosenny Mini Arkusz Egzaminacyjny)

Przeczytaj tekst. Odpowiedz na pytania zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Uzupełnij zdania wpisując swoje odpowiedzi w luki. Luki należy uzupełnij w języku angielskim.

Lily was a happy and cheerful girl from England. She lived in a small village with her family and friends. One year, she was chosen to be the May Queen of her village. She was very excited and couldn't wait for May Day to arrive.
On May Day, Lily woke up early in the morning and put on her beautiful white dress, and a crown of flowers on her head. She was feeling a little nervous but she was also very excited. Her friends and family came to her house to congratulate her and take her to the village square for the May Day celebrations. Lily led the procession through the village. She was accompanied by her attendants, who were also dressed in white and carried flowers. At the village square, Lily and her attendants danced around the maypole. Everyone in the village gathered around to watch them. After dancing, there was a feast with food, drinks, and sweet treats. Lily sat at the head of the table together with her friends and family.
Lily was very happy that she was chosen to be the May Queen. She felt proud to represent her village and its traditions. She knew that she would always cherish this memory and would look forward to celebrating May Day again next year.
(Tekst własny)

3.1. How was Lily feeling on May Day?
On May Day Lily was feeling ……..…………………..……………… .
3.2. What was Lily wearing on May Day?
Lily was wearing ……..…………………..…………………..………….… .
3.3. Where was Lily sitting during the meal?
During the meal, Lily ……..…………………..…………………..…….. .

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